Figure 1. Wild Burros, Spring Mountains National Recreation Area.
Does anyone come to Las Vegas for wildlife?
While most people come to Las Vegas for entertainment, nature typically is not a item. True, this city is in the desert, but there are mountains in the vicinity, Spring Mountains, or Mount Charleston as local like to call, to be exact. The summit reaches almost 12,000 feet and it provides the necessary moisture and coolness. The green vegetation gives a sharp contrast to the city below.
On my way back from a hiking to see Great Basin bristlecone pine, I bumped into burros on the road side. I thought I might see them in the lower Red Rock Canyon area as these are heat and drought tolerant animals. It's too comfortable for them to be here.
They are mother and baby burros, though the baby is quite big in October. The mother is not particularly afraid of people, but keep the distance. The baby seems to be more cautious, but doesn't try to run away.
Burros are non-native here and may compete with native animals for food and water. They are allowed to be here because of historic and cultural reasons.
Don't think of only casinos and hotels in Las Vegas. Less than one hour away, you can see nature and may have another perspective of the sin city.
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