Tuesday, December 30, 2014

American White Pelican

IMG_3209 American White Pelican
Figure 1. American White Pelican, Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge.

I still remember my first time seeing this bird in Grand Teton National Park. They were riding the thermals and flying higher and higher and gone. I also saw them in Oxbow Bend Turnout and Heron Pond in this park. The distance is far and I was not able to take a closer look.

Fortunately, I found they were quite abundant in Bay Area when I lived there. Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge in Alviso is one great place to see them in closer distance. I was so glad to see a lot of them there and that's why I went to this refuge so often. They are usually in a flock and do things together. Although they are kind of habituated to human, they still try to keep a distance even in the air. Most of the time you can get a picture of couple pelicans flying and floating. I've been here a lot and I've got some good opportunities with good lighting to take a good solo close-up of it.

I've left Bay Area and lived in San Diego now. I know I can find them in Sonny Bono Salton Sea National Sea National Wildlife Refuge, especially in winter. It is not a 10-minute drive like before, but I am sure to go there and find them.

IMG_9147 American White Pelican, Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge
Figure 2. American White Pelican Incoming.